A Weapon is a piece of Equipment that can be used for attacking. Weapons come in the following categories:
Epic Weapons[]
The following is a list of Epic Weapons and their respective statistics.
Sacred Honor Blade (lvl 50) (Cyber Defender)
- Damage: 2299
- Mastery: Reversal of Wyrds +1
- Ballistic Resistance +5%
- Slash Resistance +5%
- Piercing Resistance +5%
The Burning Blade at World's Edge (lvl 29) (Cyber)
- Damage: 1076
- 2-Handed Damage +7%
- 2-Handed Damage +7%
- Strength +29%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
The Burning Blade at World's Edge (lvl 49) (Cyber)
- Damage: 2161
- 2-Handed Status Chance +1%
- Rupture +6%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
- Blight +6%
The Burning Blade at World's Edge (lvl 50) (Cyber)
- Damage: 2299
- 2-Handed Status Chance +1%
- Sentient Weapon Damage +20%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
- Blight +6%
The Slayer's Bear-Hewer (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 2299
- 2-Handed Damage +10%
- 2-Handed Damage +10%
- Aggression +165%
- Lightning Induction +6%
Gouging Claws of Fenrir (lvl 50) (Cyber, Human Berserker)
- Damage: 1881
- Attack Speed +10%
- Battle Cry Damage +5%
- Battle Cry Efficiency +20%
- Defenseless +8%
Howling Blades of the Glory Drinker (lvl 34) (Cyber, Human Berserker)
- Damage: 1028
- Dual Wield Melee Damage +7%
- Attack Speed +9%
- Sword Fierce Damage +15%
- Leech +5%
Howling Blades of the Glory Drinker (lvl 50) (Cyber, Human Berserker)
- Damage: 1881
- Sword Fierce Range +10%
- Increased Ruiner Damage +5%
- Sword Fierce Damage +20%
- Leech +5%
Stormblades of the Desecrator (lvl 50) (Cyber Berserker)
- Damage: 1881 + 10%
- Attack Speed +10%
- Mastery: Warrior of the Twinned Claw +1
- Dual-Wield Melee Damage +10%
- Lightning Induction +6%
Battlesong of the Undying Huscarl (lvl 50) (Cyber Champion)
- Damage: 2299
- Mastery: Unerring Strike +1
- Sword Damage +10%
- 1-Handed Critical +10%
- Air Melee Damage +5%
Face-Hewer of the Jomsvikings (lvl 34) (Human)
- Damage: 1067
- Attack Speed +9%
- Bio Engineer Regeneration +4%
- Sword Fierce Damage +15%
- Leech +5%
Face-Hewer of the Jomsvikings (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 2090
- Air Melee Damage +5%
- Melee Juggle Time +8%
- Lightning Induction +6%
- Empty Rune Slot
Sword of the Betrayer (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 2299
- 1-Handed Critical +1%
- Sword Damage +10%
- Mastery: Call of Ruin +1
- Enthalpy Drain +6%
Storm-Lance of the World Serpent (lvl 50) (Cyber)
- Damage: 2299
- Strength +40%
- Mastery: Cellular Rebonding +1
- 2-Handed Status Chance +1%
- Lightning Induction +6%
The Flesh of Architect's Incisor (lvl 50) (Cyber BioEngineer)
- Damage: 2299
- Mastery: Idunn's Wish +1
- Battle Cry Damage +5%
- Spider Effect Radius +20%
- Necrotized +5%
Try's Brilliant Fusion-Lance (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 2299
- 2-Handed Status Chance +1%
- 2-Handed Damage +10%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
- Rupture +6%
The Reddening-Wolves (lvl 39) (Cyber Berserker)
- Damage: 1221
- Strength +33%
- Attack Speed +9%
- Dual-Wield Melee Damage +8%
- Enthalpy Drain +6%
The Reddening-Wolves (lvl 50) (Cyber Berserker)
- Damage: 2069
- Strength +40%
- Attack Speed +10%
- Dual-Wield Melee Damage +10%
- Impact +3%
Raging Axes of the Merciless (lvl 50) (Human Berserker)
- Damage: 2069
- Staff Damage +10%
- Mastery: Unrelenting Blades +1
- Defenseless +8%
- Gravitation Pulse +1%
Carvers of the Wolf's Carrion (lvl 50) (Cyber Berserker)
- Damage: 2257
- Dual-Wield Melee Damage +10%
- Total Armor +17%
- Staff Damage +10%
- Softened +4%
Mercygiver of Fallen Kings (lvl 50) (Human Champion)
- Damage: 2090
- Melee Juggle Time +8%
- Mastery: Asgard's Fury +1
- Defenseless +8%
- Enthalpy Drain +6%
Bane of Jomsvikings (lvl 24) (Cyber)
- Damage: 719
- 1-Handed Damage +5%
- Staff Damage +5%
- Staff Damage +5%
- Defenseless +8%
Bane of Jomsvikings (lvl 44) (Cyber)
- Damage: 1684
- 1-Handed Damage +10%
- Melee Juggle Time +8%
- Sentient Weapon Damage +20%
- Slowed +10%
Bane of Jomsvikings (lvl 50) (Cyber)
- Damage: 2090
- 1-Handed Critical +1%
- Melee Juggle Time +8%
- Sentient Weapon Damage +20%
- Slowed +10%
Storm-Lance of the World Serpent (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 2090
- Strength +40%
- Melee Juggle Time +8%
- 1-Handed Critical +1%
- Lightning Induction +6%
Musepelheim's Ceaseless Cold (lvl 50 (Cyber)
- Damage: 2299
- Spider Duration +20%
- Spider Damage +20%
- 2-Handed Status Chance +1%
- Enthalpy Drain +6%
Runic Hammer of Dwarf-Kin (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 2528
- 2-Handed Status Chance +1%
- 2-Handed Damage +10%
- Enthalpy Drain +6%
- Empty Rune Slot
Skuld's Cold Love (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 2528
- 2-Handed Status Chance +1%
- 2-Handed Damage +10%
- Battle Cry Damage +5%
- Rupture +6%
--Hammer-Shield Combo--
Bane of the Jomsvikings (lvl 50) (Human) Purchase Price: 771,000
- Value: 192,750
- Damage (Base): 2,090
* Aggression +165%
* Total Armor +17%
* Enfeebled +4%
Sentinel's Kingmaker (lvl 50) (Human Defender)
- Damage: 2508
- Hammer Damage +10%
- Dual-Wield Attack Radius +10%
- Mastery: Tyr's Best Work +1
- Mobility Disruption +4%
Shaper of the Fjords (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 2413
- Hammer Slide Distance +5%
- Hammer Damage +10%
- Softened +4%
- Empty Rune Slot
Bludgeon-Iron of Vali (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 2194
- Mastery: Human Skill Tree +1
- Empty Rune Slot
- Empty Rune Slot
- Empty Rune Slot
Conclusion of Failed Experiments (lvl 50) (Cyber)
- Damage: 2194
- Strength +40%
- 1-Handed Critical +1
- Hammer Slide Distance +5%
- Necrotized +5%
Eyes of the Searing-Star (lvl 29) (Cyber)
- Damage: 92
- Laser Damage +7%
- Improved Dodge +14%
- Improved Dodge +14%
- Mobility Disruption +4%
Eyes of the Searing-Star (lvl 49) (Cyber)
- Damage: 196
- Laser Penetration Rate +10%
- Sentient Weapon Speed +20%
- Sentient Weapon Damage +20%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +4%
Eyes of the Searing-Star (lvl 50) (Cyber)
- Damage: 209
- Laser Penetration Rate +10%
- Sentient Weapon Speed +20%
- Sentient Weapon Damage +20%
- Pulse Munitions +4%
Dragon-Guns of Eld (lvl 29) (Human)
- Damage: 86
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Spider Effect Radius +20%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
Dragon-Guns of Eld (lvl 49) (Human)
- Damage: 196
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Spider Effect Radius +20%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
Dragon-Guns of Eld (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 209
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Spider Effect Radius +20%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
- Empty Rune Slot
A Source of Agony (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 229
- Soothing +165%
- Hybrid Damage +10%
- Battle Cry Damage +8%
- Exposed +8%
Twin Tails of the Onyx Serpent (lvl 34) (Cyber)
- Damage: 158
- Slug Fire Rate +8%
- Slug Fire Rate +8%
- Pistol Damage +8%
- Metalstorm +6%
Twin Tails of the Onyx Serpent (lvl 50) (Cyber)
- Damage: 251
- Slug Fire Rate +10%
- Slug Fire Rate +10%
- Increased Ammo +10%
- Metalstorm +6%
Arms of the Betrayer (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 301
- Pistol Damage +10%
- Slug Damage +10%
- Mastery: Call of Ruin +1
- Enthalpy Drain +6%
Rending Claws of Fenrir (lvl 50) (Cyber)
- Damage: 276
- Pistol Damage +10%
- Sentient Weapon Damage +20%
- Sentient Weapon Speed +20%
- Exposed +8%
Harrowing Lance of Wrath (lvl 39) (Human)
- Damage: 190
- Pierce +39%
- Empty Rune Slot
- Empty Rune Slot
- Empty Rune Slot
Harrowing Lance of Wrath (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 322
- Staff Fierce Range +10%
- Laser Damage +10%
- Leech +5%
- Empty Rune Slot
The Slayer's Bear-Skewer (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 322
- Laser Penetration Rate +10%
- Laser Penetration Rate +10%
- Laser Damage +10%
- Pierce +39%
Vali's Burning Spear (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 293
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
- Blight +6%
- Rupture +6%
- Pierce +39%
Gunnlogi of the Graebari (lvl 50) (Human BioEngineer)
- Damage: 299
- Hybrid Damage +10%
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Mastery: Idunn's Boon +1
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
Skuld's Dooming Passion (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 272
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Blight +6%
- Necrotized +5%
Unerring Dreadmark of Skoll (lvl 50) (Cyber Commando)
- Damage: 299
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Mastery: Smoothbore Weapons +1
- Dexterity +43%
The Incinerating Grief (lvl 24) (Human)
- Damage: 98
- Slug Damage +5%
- Pierce +39%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
- Lightning Induction +6%
The Incinerating Grief (lvl 44) (Human)
- Damage: 253
- Slug Fire Rate +10%
- Pierce +39%
- Rupture +6%
- Lightning Induction +6%
The Shrike's Last Word (lvl 50) (Human Commando)
- Damage: 313
- Slug Fire Rate +10%
- Spider Effect Radius +20%
- Mastery: Cluster Munitions +1
- Pierce +39%
Tyr's Carbine of Old (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 313
- Spider Effect Radius +20%
- Slug Fire Rate +10%
- Metalstorm +6%
- Pierce +39%
XABR-1337 Experimental Battle Rifle (lvl 34) (Human)
- Damage: 172
- Increased Ammo +8%
- Improved Reload Speed +8%
- Slug Damage +8%
- Pulse Munitions +4%
XABR-1337 Experimental Battle Rifle (lvl 50) (Human)
- Damage: 313
- Increased Ammo +10%
- Improved Reload Speed +10%
- Slug Fire Rate +10%
- Empty Rune Slot
Immolating Wrath-Spear (Cyber)
- Damage: 334
- Increased Ammo +10%
- Aggression +165%
- Bio Engineer Regeneration +5%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
Scalpel of Flesh Welding (Cyber)
- Damage: 376
- Increased Ammo +10%
- Dexterity +43%
- Laser Penetration Rate +10%
- Necrotized +5%
A Source of Agony (Cyber)
- Damage: 322
- Soothing +165%
- Cannon Damage +10%
- Battle Cry Damage +5%
- Defenseless +8%
Muspelheim's Relentless Flame (Cyber)
- Damage: 293
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
- Rupture +6%
The Incinerating Grief (Cyber)
- Damage: 322
- Cannon Damage +10%
- Increased Ammo +10%
- Hybrid Radius +10%
- Rupture +6%
Egil's Cure for the Coward (Cyber)
- Damage: 355
- Cannon Damage +10%
- Slug Fire Rate +10%
- Mastery: Enhanced Mobility Actuators +1
- Rupture +6%