Runes can be inserted into some weapons and armors in order to give them special abilities.
Once a rune is added to an item, it becomes part of the item and cannot be removed.
Look for empty slots next to the icon of your weapons and armor to see how many Runes each item can accept.
Color Runes are also available; they change the color of your armor, but do not take up a rune slot. You can buy these in Aesir or occasionally you will find them off destroyed enemies.
The Mastery runes [runes which increase your skill level or special abilities] are not specific to your class or even your alignment for example, with a human character you can find a cybernetic mastery rune and use it on your weopons or armour, the only problem with this is that there isn't a description of what the skill or ability is so check out what it is before using it.
Tier 1 (Grey)[]
Tier 2 (Green)[]
Symbol | Name | Rune Effect | Bonus Range |
Anger | Aggression | +36-70% | |
Area | Spider Effect Radius | +5-9% | |
Avoidance | Improved Dodge | +5-9% | |
Balance | Air Melee Damage | +2-3% | |
Bashing | Hammer Damage | +3-5% | |
Battle Prayer | Battle Cry Damage | +2-3% | |
Bitterness | 1-Handed Damage | +3-5% | |
Blood | Health | +3-5% | |
Booming Call | Battle Cry Efficiency | +5-9% | |
Calm | Soothing | +36-70% | |
Carnage | 2-Handed Damage | +3-5% | |
Carnage | Staff Fierce Damage | +5-9% | |
Compliance | Sentient Duration | +5-9% | |
Composite | Slash Resistance | +2-3% | |
Cutting | Sentient Weapon Damage | +5-9% | |
Defiance | Cannon Damage | +3-5% | |
Dexterity | Dexterity | +13-21% | |
Duration | Status Effect Duration | +5-9% | |
Effectiveness | Status Effect Damage | +3-5% | |
Energy | Laser Damage | +3-5% | |
Far Sight | Ballistic Lock Distance | +2-3% | |
Ferocity | Sword Slide Distance | +2-3% | |
Force | Ballistic Juggle Time | +16-23% | |
Fortune | Loot Drop Chance | +2-3% | |
Gungnir | Cannon Range | +2-3% | |
Haste | Attack Speed | +6-7% | |
Haste | Sentient Weapon Speed | +5-9% | |
Havoc | Increased Ruiner Damage | +2% | |
Havoc | Pistol Range | +4-7% | |
Hexing | Spider Cooldown | +3-5% | |
Impact | Blunt Resistance | +2% | |
Initiative | Hammer Slide Distance | +2% | |
Initiative | Staff Slide Distance | +2-3% | |
Lashing Storms | Sword Fierce Damage | +5%, +7-8% | |
Launching | Melee Juggle Time | +2-4% | |
Life | Health | +3-5% | |
Luck | Loot Drop Chance | +2-3% | |
Magnitude | Hammer Fierce Damage | +5-9% | |
Malice | Pistol Damage | +3-5% | |
Mutilation | Sword Damage | +3-5% | |
Plasma | Hybrid Damage | +3-5% | |
Plate | Piercing Resistance | +2% | |
Precision | Ballistic Resistance | +2% | |
Reinforcement | Total Armor | +7-9% | |
Repair | Bio Engineer Regeneration | +2-3% | |
Savagery | Dual Wield Melee Damage | +3-5% | |
Skuld | Spider Damage | +5-9% | |
Slashing | Sword Fierce Damage | +6%, +9% | |
Slaying | Sword Fierce Range | +3-5% | |
Speed Loading | Improved Reload Speed | +4-5% | |
Spirit | Healing Effectiveness | +2-3% | |
Stocking | Increased Ammo | +4-5% | |
Striking | Staff Damage | +3-5% | |
Striking | Strength | +12-20% | |
Swiftness | Attack Speed | +6-7% | |
The Astute | Experience Bonus | +2% | |
The Cunning | Experience Bonus | +2% | |
Toughness | Equipment State | +7-13% | |
Urd | Spider Anti-Missile Duration | +9-16% | |
Vengeance | Hammer Fierce Range | +5-9% | |
Ventilation | Slug Damage | +3-5% | |
Verdandi | Spider Duration | +5-9% | |
Wailing | Battle Cry Damage | +2% | |
Wickedness | Rifle Damage | +3-5% | |
Worth | Salvage Bonus | +3-5% | |
Wrath | Rifle Ballistic Range | +2-3% |
Tier 3 (Blue)[]
Symbol | Name | Rune Effect | Bonus Range |
Area | Spider Effect Radius | +10-14% | |
Balance | Air Melee Damage | +3-4% | |
Bashing | Hammer Damage | +5-7% | |
Biting | Sentient Weapon Damage | +10-14% | |
Breaching | Strength | +22-29% | |
Carnage | 2-Handed Damage | +5-7% | |
Carnage | Staff Fierce Damage | +10-14% | |
Charging | Sentient Weapon Speed | +10-14% | |
Composite | Slash Resistance | +3-4% | |
Defiance | Cannon Damage | +5-7% | |
Dexterity | Dexterity | +23-31% | |
Distinct Horizons | Ballistic Lock Distance | +3-4% | |
Duration | Status Effect Duration | +10-14% | |
Effectiveness | Status Effect Damage | +5-7% | |
Elusion | Improved Dodge | +10-14% | |
Energy | Laser Damage | +5-7% | |
Ferocity | Sword Slide Distance | +3-4% | |
Force | Ballistic Juggle Time | +24-31% | |
Fortune | Loot Drop Chance | +3-4% | |
Fury | Sword Damage | +5-7% | |
Gungnir | Cannon Range | +3-4% | |
Havoc | Pistol Range | +8-11% | |
Hexing | Spider Cooldown | +5-7% | |
Howling | Battle Cry Damage | +3% | |
Impact | Blunt Resistance | +3% | |
Launching | Melee Juggle Time | +4-6% | |
Life | Health | +5-7% | |
Lightning Reload | Improved Reload Speed | +6-7% | |
Magnitude | Hammer Fierce Damage | +10-14% | |
Malice | Pistol Damage | +5-7% | |
Obedience | Sentient Duration | +10-14% | |
Overthrow | Increased Ruiner Damage | +3% | |
Plasma | Hybrid Damage | +5-7% | |
Plate | Piercing Resistance | +3% | |
Precision | Ballistic Resistance | +3% | |
Rage | Aggression | +79-113% | |
Reinforcement | Total Armor | +9-11% | |
Replenishment | Bio Engineer Regeneration | +3-4% | |
Resounding Shout | Battle Cry Efficiency | +10-14% | |
Runic Shroud | Battle Cry Damage | +3-4% | |
Savagery | Dual Wield Melee Damage | +5-7% | |
Serenity | Soothing | +79-113% | |
Skuld | Spider Damage | +10-14% | |
Slaying | Sword Fierce Range | +5-7% | |
Spirit | Healing Effectiveness | +3-4% | |
Striking | Staff Damage | +5-7% | |
Supply | Increased Ammo | +6-7% | |
Swiftness | Attack Speed | +8% | |
The Cunning | Experience Bonus | +3% | |
The Tempest | Sword Fierce Damage | +10-14% | |
The Yew | Staff Fierce Range | +5-7% | |
Toughness | Equipment State | +15-21% | |
Urd | Spider Anti-Missile Duration | +18-26% | |
Vengeance | Hammer Fierce Range | +10-14% | |
Ventilation | Slug Damage | +5-7% | |
Verdandi | Spider Duration | +10-14% | |
Viciousness | 1-Handed Damage | +5-7% | |
Wickedness | Rifle Damage | +5-7% | |
Will | Hammer Slide Distance | +3% | |
Will | Staff Slide Distance | +3-4% | |
Worth | Salvage Bonus | +5-7% | |
Wrath | Rifle Ballistic Range | +3-4% |
Tier 4 (Purple)[]
Symbol | Name | Rune Effect | Bonus Range |
Area | Spider Effect Radius | +15-19% | |
Armor | Equipment State | +23-29% | |
Ballistics | Dexterity | +33-41% | |
Bliss | Healing Effectiveness | +4-5% | |
Bonding | Sentient Duration | +15-19% | |
Carnage | Staff Fierce Damage | +15-19% | |
Composite | Slash Resistance | +4-5% | |
Crushing | Strength | +31-38% | |
Defiance | Cannon Damage | +7-9% | |
Destruction | Hammer Damage | +7-9% | |
Devotion | Hammer Slide Distance | +4% | |
Devotion | Staff Slide Distance | +4-5% | |
Dooming Reach | Ballistic Lock Distance | +4-5% | |
Downfall | Increased Ruiner Damage | +4% | |
Duration | Status Effect Duration | +15-19% | |
Evasion | Improved Dodge | +15-19% | |
Ferocity | Sword Slide Distance | +4-5% | |
Force | Ballistic Juggle Time | +32-39% | |
Frenzy | Sentient Weapon Speed | +17% | |
Gungnir | Cannon Range | +4-5% | |
Harmony | Soothing | +122-157% | |
Havoc | Pistol Range | +12-15% | |
Health | Health | +7-9% | |
Hexing | Spider Cooldown | +7-9% | |
Hoarding | Increased Ammo | +7-9% | |
Impact | Blunt Resistance | +4% | |
Intensity | Hybrid Damage | +7-9% | |
Intensity | Laser Damage | +7-9% | |
Launching | Melee Juggle Time | +6-7% | |
Lead Storm | Improved Reload Speed | +8-9% | |
Magnitude | Hammer Fierce Damage | +15-19% | |
Malice | Pistol Damage | +7-9% | |
Opportunity | Loot Drop Chance | +4-5% | |
Performance | Air Melee Damage | +4-5% | |
Plate | Piercing Resistance | +4% | |
Precision | Ballistic Resistance | +4% | |
Protection | Total Armor | +11-13% | |
Quickness | Attack Speed | +9-10% | |
Rage | Sword Damage | +7-9% | |
Rancor | Aggression | +122-157% | |
Regeneration | Bio Engineer Regeneration | +4-5% | |
Rending | Sentient Weapon Damage | +15-19% | |
Rising Bellow | Battle Cry Efficiency | +15-19% | |
Roaring | Battle Cry Damage | +4% | |
Savagery | Dual Wield Melee Damage | +7-9% | |
Skuld | Spider Damage | +15-19% | |
Slashing | Sword Fierce Damage | +18% | |
Slaughter | 2-Handed Damage | +7-9% | |
Slaying | Sword Fierce Range | +7-9% | |
The Mistral | Sword Fierce Damage | +15-17%, 19% | |
The Oak | Staff Fierce Range | +7-9% | |
The Skilled | Experience Bonus | +4% | |
Trauma | Staff Damage | +7-9% | |
Urd | Spider Anti-Missile Duration | +28-35% | |
Vengeance | Hammer Fierce Range | +15-19% | |
Ventilation | Slug Damage | +7-9% | |
Verdandi | Spider Duration | +15-19% | |
Viciousness | 1-Handed Damage | +7-9% | |
Vital Force | Battle Cry Damage | +4-5% | |
Wickedness | Rifle Damage | +7-9% | |
Worth | Salvage Bonus | +7-9% | |
Wrath | Rifle Ballistic Range | +4-5% |
Tier 5 (Orange)[]
Tier 6 (Red)[]
Symbol | Name | Rune Effect | Bonus | Bonus Cap |
Accuracy | 1-Handed Critical | +2% | +10% | |
Adeptness | Spider Cooldown | +15% | +30% | |
Alacrity | Attack Speed | +15% | +30% | |
Anguish | Staff Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Annihilation | 2-Handed Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Ballistics | Dexterity | +50% | +50% | |
Capacity | Spider Damage | +25% | +50% | |
Carnage | Increased Ruiner Damage | +10% | +30% | |
Carnage | Staff Fierce Damage | +25% | +50% | |
Composite | Slash Resistance | +10% | +10% | |
Destiny | Loot Drop Chance | +7% or +15% | +15% | |
Determination | Staff Slide Distance | +10% | +10% | |
Determination | Hammer Slide Distance | +10% | +10% | |
Domination | Sword Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Doom | Cannon Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Effectiveness | Status Effect Damage | +25% | +50% | |
Engulfing Flame | Hybrid Radius | +20% | +50% | |
Ferocity | Sword Slide Distance | +10% | +10% | |
Fleetness | Attack Speed | +15% | +30% | |
Force | 2-Handed Status Chance | +2% | +5% | |
Gungnir | Cannon Range | +10% | +20% | |
Havoc | Pistol Range | +20% | +20% | |
Heimdall | Ballistic Lock Distance | +10% | +10% | |
Idunn | Bio Engineer Regeneration | +10% | +10% | |
Impact | Blunt Resistance | +10% | +10% | |
Insidious Light | Laser Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Launching | Melee Juggle Time | +10% | +20% | |
Loft | Ballistic Juggle Time | +50% | +100% | |
Malice | Pistol Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Mastery | Mastery: Skill | +2 | +4 | |
Mastery | Mastery: Skill Tree/All Skills | +1 | +4 | |
Precision | Ballistic Resistance | +10% | +10% | |
Savagery | Dual Wield Melee Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Searing Flame | Hybrid Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Shielding | Equipment State | +40% | +95% | |
Skuld | Spider Damage | +25% | +50% | |
Superiority | Air Melee Damage | +10% | +30% | |
The Aesir | Total Armor | +20% | +90% | |
The Bear | Dual Wield Attack Radius | +25% | +50% | |
The Bottomless Quiver | Increased Ammo | +25% | +50% | |
The Devourer | Sentient Weapon Damage | +25% | +50% | |
The Eagle | Sword Fierce Range | +20% | +20% | |
The Elite | Experience Bonus | +10% | +10% | |
The Enduring | Status Effect Duration | +25% | +100% | |
The Exiled Foe | Hammer Fierce Damage | +25% | +50% | |
The Flashing Death | Sentient Weapon Speed | +25% | +50% | |
The Grinder | Hammer Damage | +15% | +30% | |
The Huscarl | Piercing Resistance | +10% | +10% | |
The Killing Word | Battle Cry Damage | +10% | +25% | |
The Master and Slave | Sentient Duration | +15% | +30% | |
The Merciless | 1-Handed Damage | +15% | +30% | |
The One | Improved Dodge | +20% | +50% | |
The Resolute Cause | Soothing | +200% | +1000% | |
The Splintered Bone | Sword Fierce Damage | +25% | +50% | |
The Stabbing Bite | Slug Fire Rate | +15% | +30% | |
The Unending Torrent | Improved Reload Speed | +20% | +40% | |
The Unstoppable Spear | Strength | +50% | +50% | |
The Valkyrie | Healing Effectiveness | +10% | +40% | |
The Vanquishing Clash | Battle Cry Efficiency | +25% | +50% | |
The Warmonger | Aggression | +200% | +1000% | |
Torpor | Hammer Juggle Radius | +15% | +15% | |
Urd | Spider Anti-Missile Duration | +50% | +60% | |
Valhalla | Health | +25% | +50% | |
Vengeance | Hammer Fierce Range | +20% | +20% | |
Ventilation | Slug Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Verdandi | Spider Duration | +15% | +30% | |
Voracious Light | Laser Penetration Rate | +25% | +50% | |
Wickedness | Rifle Damage | +15% | +30% | |
Worth | Salvage Bonus | +20% | +50% | |
Wrath | Rifle Ballistic Range | +10% | +20% | |
Wyrd | Spider Effect Radius | +30% | +50% | |
Yggdrasil | Staff Fierce Range | +20% | +20% |