Too Human Database
Too Human Database
Choose an Archetype
Berserker Bio Engineer Champion Commando Defender
Icon Name Description % Bonus Per Point
Def0 Valiant's Unstable Hand (0/5) Ruiner: Press “RB” to activate.

At higher combo levels (3+), a Valiant's battle rage is harnessed, causing all enemies nearby to be stunned and take damage during its assault.
Ruiners require 1 combo level to activate. Higher levels activate more powerful Ruiners.
Requirement: Human-aligned.
Level Bonus: Increases Radius.

Max: 25.0%
Def1 Defender’s Resilience (0/10) Group Skill: Decreases the amount of damage taken.
Max: 5.0%
Def2 Enthalpy Reduction Attack (0/10) Increases chance of inflicting Ice damage during melee attacks.
Requirement: Defender’s Resilience Level 6.
Max: 10.0%
Def3 Grim Resolve (0/10) Increases chance that damage from a killing blow will be completely deflected.
Requirement: Defender’s Resilience Level 6.
Max: 50.0%
Def4 The Berserker's Grief (0/10) Increases chance that 100% of melee damage taken is reflected back at the attacker.
Requirement: Defender’s Resilience Level 6.
Max: 10.0%
Def5 Enthalpy Reduction Mines (0/10) Spider Ability: Press “Y” to activate.

Deploys an ice mine that explodes upon contact, freezing all in its radius.
Requirement: Enthalpy Reduction Attack Level 6.
Level Bonus: Increases Radius and Duration.

Max: 50.0%
Def6 Ward of the NORNs (0/10) Spider Ability: Press “Y” to activate.

Deploys a protective shield that absorbs damage.
Requirement: Grim Resolve Level 6.
Level Bonus: Increases Deployment Duration.

Max: 30.0%
Def7 Tree of Scorching Light (0/10) Spider Ability: Press “Y” to activate.

Deploys a Laser turret capable of delivering concentrated Laser damage.
Requirement: The Berserker’s Grief Level 6.
Level Bonus: Increases Damage.

Max: 30.0%
Def8 Fimbulwinter's Numbing Touch (0/10) Battle Cry: Press “X” to activate.

Group Skill: Produces a shield which freezes enemies upon contact.
Requires combo meter to activate. Higher combo levels extend duration.
Requirement: Enthalpy Reduction Mines Level 4.
Level Bonus: Increases Duration.

Max: 30.0%
Def9 Reversal of Wyrds (0/10) Battle Cry: Press “X” to activate.

Group Skill: Enemy status effects are reflected back while activated.
Requires combo meter to activate. Higher combo levels extend duration.
Requirement: Ward of the NORNs Level 4.
Level Bonus: Increases Duration.

Max: 50.0%
Def10 Egil's Blessing (0/10) Battle Cry: Press “X” to activate.

Taunts all nearby enemies to focus their attacks on you.
Requires combo meter to activate.
Requirement: Tree of Scorching Light Level 4.
Level Bonus: Increases Effectiveness.

Max: 100.0%
Def11 Adept of the Light-Spear (0/10) Increases damage when using Laser ammunition weaponry.
Requirement: Fimbulwinter’s Numbing Touch Level 6.
Max: 30.0%
Def12 Tyr's Best Work (0/10) Increases the defensive bonus of equipped armor pieces.
Requirement: Reversal of Wyrds Level 6.
Max: 10.0%
Def13 Warrior of the Iron Fist (0/10) Increases Hammer weapon damage.
Requirement: Egil’s Blessing Level 6.
Max: 30.0%
Fenrir Spirit of Fenrir (0/10) Sentient Power: Click L & R Analog Sticks to activate.

Gain massive amounts of combo meter by unleashing the power of Fenrir to attack all nearby enemies.
Requirement: Adept of the Light-Spear, Tyr's Best Work, or Warrior of the Iron Fist Level 8.
Level Bonus: Increases Duration.

Max: 50.0%