Too Human Database
Too Human Database

Huntingstein Huntingstein 23 January 2018

Post mortem of Too Human

Too Human has been legally dead for years now, but that doesn't mean we can't remember our dead. Now that the dust of this games troubled history has long since settled, I think it is time to show this game some love, for there is some things to like about it I found, when I finally played the game about 2 years ago.

The praises of this game seems to have gone mostly unsung and I would like to bring up some of it's better qualities.I'm not here to completely sugarcoat and make excuses for the game either, I mean the game has some flaws. Perhaps this just my own eccentric view, but I have several times in my gaming life experienced that a flawed game can sometimes be the most fun you will ever have.

Now keep in mind that I say this as someone…

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