Too Human Database
Too Human Database
Choose an Archetype
Berserker Bio Engineer Champion Commando Defender
Icon Name Description % Bonus Per Point
Ber0 Spiritual Runier (0/5) Ruiner:
Point Level 1-5: Increases Damage.
Human Alignment Only
Max: 500%
Ber1 A Capacity for Rage (0/10) Group Skill:
Point Level 1-9: Increases combo meter growth rate.
Level 10: Increases maximum combo level.
Max: 110.0%
Ber2 The Bear's Bolling Blood (0/10) Increases attack speed as your combo hit counter grows.
Requirement: A Capacity for Rage Level 6.
Max: 10.0%
Ber3 Onslaught of Claws (0/10) Increases Fierce attack speed.
Requirement: A Capacity for Rage Level 6.
Max: 50.0%
Ber4 Brutality (0/10) Increases chance of channeling last damage taken into bonus damage on the next attack.
Requirement: A Capacity for Rage Level 6.
Max: 50.0%
Ber5 Loki's Kiss (0/10) Spider Ability: Press "Y" to activate.
Searches out nearby enemies to stick a Bomb onto which then detonates.
Requirement: The Bear's Boiling Blood Level 6.
Level Bonus: Increases Damage.
Max: 50.0%
Ber6 Ankle Biter (0/10) Spider Ability: Press "Y" to activate.
Deploys a turret which slows enemies when hit by its fire.
Requirement: Onslaught of Claws Level 6.
Level Bonus: Increases Damage and Snare Duration.
Max: 50.0%
Ber7 Sleep-Storm of Steel (0/10) Spider Ability: Press "Y" to activate.
Deploys a mine that explodes upon contact.
Requirement: Brutality Level 6.
Level Bonus: Increases Damage and Radius.
Max: 50.0%
Ber8 Swift of Claw (0/10) Battle Cry: Press "X" to activate.
Group Skill: Increases melee attack speed while activated.

Requires combo meter to activate. Higher combo levels extend duration.
Requirement: Loki's Kiss Level 4.
Level Bonus: Increases Speed and Duration.

Max: 30.0%
Ber9 Engulfing Rage (0/10) Battle Cry: Press "X" to activate.
Group Skill: Increases movement speed and adds knockback to all attacks while activated.

Requires combo meter to activate. Higher combo levels extend duration.
Requirement: Ankle Biter Level 4.
Level Bonus: Increases Speed and Duration.

Max: 50.0%
Ber10 Shield Biter (0/10) Battle Cry: Press "X" to activate.
Group Skill: Increases melee attack damage while activated.

Requires combo meter to activate. Higher combo levels extend duration.
Requirement: Sleep-Storm of Steel Level 4.
Level Bonus: Increases Damage and Duration.

Max: 60.0%
Ber11 Unrelenting Blades (0/10) Increases Dual-Wield Weapon attack speed.
Requirement: Swift of Claw Level 6.
Max: 30.0%
Ber12 Weapon Recovery (0/10) Increases Slide attack speed.
Requirement: Engulfing Rage Level 6.
Max: 10.0%
Ber13 Warrior of the Twinned-Claw (0/10) Increases Dual-Wield Weapon damage.
Requirement: Shield Biter Level 6.
Max: 30.0%
Fenrir Spirit of Fenrir (0/10) Sentient Power: Click L & R Analog Sticks to activate.

Gain massive amounts of combo meter by unleashing the power of Fenrir to attack all nearby enemies.
Requirement: Unrelenting Blades, Weapon Recovery, or Warrior of the Twinned-Claw Level 8.
Level Bonus: Increases Duration.

Max: 50.0%