Too Human Database
"The Aesir are the warm breezes that melt the ice.
We are the Wolf!
Asgard shall free the world from cold stagnation.
We are the Bear!
With a runic vision, a single purpose becomes clear.
We are the Aesir!"
By our hand, Humanity shall be saved!
Dialogue during Loki's enhancement.
God lineup

The Aesir are a group of cybernetically enhanced Humans who serve as the rulers of Asgard and are seen as gods by the people of Midgard. They are involved in an eternal struggle against the machine-like Children of YMIR as the protectors of humanity during the wake of the constant winter.

Manual Synopsis/Character Overview[]

"As protectors, it is our duty to ensure humanity survives. Our cybernetically enhanced bodies and minds make us far more powerful than mortals...and we are properly revered as gods. We fight a never-ending battle with the Children of Ymir, the vile machines, and progenitors of the catastrophic war. Fortunately, these battles wage in lands far from the safe haven of Midgard, which has not been attacked in centuries. Due to our efforts, the Children of Ymir are now the stuff of mere legend and nightmares-as are the gods who fight them."--Mimir

Behind the Scenes[]

The collective name for the the principal race of Norse gods; they who lived in Asgard, and with the All-Father Odin, ruled the lives of mortal men, the other was the Vanir. The Aesir gods under the leadership of Odin, included Balder (god of beauty), Bragi (god of eloquence), Forseti (god of mediation), Freyr (god of fertility, who originally was from the Vanir), Heimdall (guardian of the bridge), Hod (the blind god of winter), Loki (god of fire and ally of the frost giants), Njord (the sea god, and another ex-Vanir), Thor (god of thunder), Tyr (god of war), Vili (brother to Odin), Ve (brother to Odin), and Vidar (Odin's son). The goddesses included Freya (the fertility goddess), Frigg (Odin's wife), Sif (Thor's wife), and Idun (keeper of the apples of youth).

Aesir might be derived from the old-Teutonic word Ase, the common word for "god".

Aesir" Encyclopedia Mythica from Encyclopedia Mythica Online. Accessed April 22, 2008